
ChipEx2020 is the largest annual event of the Israeli semiconductor industry. This year, due to the Covid 19 crisis, we decided to do it fully virtual. Therefore, it is going to be called ChipEx2020 Digital and will take place on September 16, 2020.

The goal of ChipEx2020 Digital is to update all professionals involved with the Israeli semiconductor industry with the latest technological innovations and future directions of the industry.

ChipEx2020 Digital target audience are all people involved with the semiconductor industry including engineers, R&D managers, industry experts, senior executives in microelectronics related companies, multinational design centers, consultants, venture capital managers as well as electrical/electronic/computer science students & professors from the various universities around Israel.

ChipEx2020 Digital consists of three main parts:

Vendors' Exhibition

The ChipEx exhibition includes virtual booths to allow all exhibitors to present and demonstrate their new services, designs and development tools. Tens of vendors, service providers, manufacturers of electronic design tools, components and manufacturing equipment from around the globe are expected to exhibit and update the visitors with the latest developments of tools and services in the semiconductor industry.

Technical Conference

Technical lectures given by industry experts, senior executives from the semiconductor industry, vendors, and university professors. The format of the sessions intends to cultivate and promote an instructive and productive interchange of ideas and solutions among industry developers and designers. The lectures are divided to various tracks in separate sessions and address the major topics related to the microelectronics industry.

ChipEx2020 Digital B2B

One of the main assets of ChipEx2020 Digital is the ability of every exhibitor or sponsor to use ChipEx advanced LGE (Lead Generator Engine) to get full access to all participants that registered to ChipEx2020 Digital and schedule a chat or virtual meeting prior, during or after ChipEx2020 Digital day of event.